Small Business ShowsThe Small Business ShowWhy this author inspires business owners to write and publish their own...

Why this author inspires business owners to write and publish their own books

Jake Kelfer is an entrepreneur, bestselling author and motivational speaker, seeking to help businesses big and small increase their audiences through book-selling. Today, he once again joins The Atlanta Small Business Show to sit down with host Jim Fitzpatrick and discuss his new book “Big Idea To Bestseller: How To Write, Publish And Launch A Nonfiction Book To Grow Your Business And Make An Impact.”

It may seem strange to spend time writing and publishing as an entrepreneur, especially given the wide selection of self-help and business guidance currently on the market. However, for Kefler, the utility of a book extends beyond the reading session. Wisdom, practical advice and inspiration can impact readers deeply, leaving them searching for more. This allows authors to set up classes, charities, consulting companies, TV appearances and more to provide additional support for their new fans. Kelfer also argues that well-received publications can open the doors for new business opportunities as potential clients come to see the author as an authority figure on their book’s topic. Not to mention, of course, the money earned from physical and digital sales.

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While this may seem like a wonderful opportunity for some, there are many business owners who may feel intimidated by writing. This is understandable, given that sixteen years of education have soured many would-be authors. This is why Kelfer tells entrepreneurs to remember they are trying to write a bestselling book, not a best written book. What audiences look for is someone to relate to, who’s voice resonates with their personality. Although millions of books exist, there will always be readers who have yet to find something they identify with. This means all that writers need to do to attract an audience is portray themselves honestly, not perfectly.

Kelfer also recommends entrepreneurial authors avoid traditional publications, unless they already have a significant audience. This is partly because copyright rules restrict them from using their material in certain ways, and partly because publishers take a massive percentage of book-sales. Self-publishing is an excellent opportunity for authors to have full control over their writing, while pocketing the majority of the profits. Writers who publish independently also have more input on design, and can stick to their own creative process rather than negotiating deadlines with corporations. Overall, while large publishing companies have their benefits in some situations, entrepreneurs should generally see self-publishing as the more flexible and potentially better paying route.

Writing a book is a challenge, even for those who enjoy it, but business owners can surprise themselves with how fast the process can be once they get started. Simply forming the habit is often all it takes, and, as Kefler notes, entrepreneurs only stand to gain by becoming authors.

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