Unlocking the power of authenticity on social media – Corey Perlman

According to Synup.com, 86% of consumers believe authenticity is crucial in determining which brands they like and support. On today’s episode of The Small Business Show, we are delighted to welcome back Executive Consultant, Social Media Guru, Keynote Speaker, and Author, Corey Perlman.

Key Takeaways

1. Perlman’s book “Authentically Social: Breakthrough by Being You” serves as a foundation for discussing social media success. According to Periman, showing genuine aspects of a business, including its culture, values, and the real people behind the scenes, is crucial for success on social media. This approach contrasts with traditional advertising, which can appear impersonal and promotional.

2. The conversation further delves into how businesses struggle on social media when they fail to engage authentically. Perlman stresses that merely pushing products or services without engaging content does not resonate with modern consumers. Consumers prefer to interact with brands on a more personal and engaging level.

3. Perlman also discusses the difficulties traditionally conservative professions face, such as legal and medical services. Despite these challenges, he believes every industry has something valuable to share, which can be beneficial when tailored to the nuances of social media.

4. Tactfully handling negative feedback is crucial, as Perlman notes that potential customers observe not only the input but also how the business responds. This interaction can significantly impact a brand’s perception. Additionally, being responsive, showing empathy, and offering solutions can transform critics into advocates, enhancing the brand’s reputation.

5. Perlman advises that businesses should consider their target audience’s characteristics when choosing social media platforms. Each platform attracts different demographics, and understanding these can help tailor messages that resonate well with the intended audience. For example, LinkedIn is suitable for professional and business-related content, while TikTok may be better for reaching a younger audience with more dynamic and visual content.

"The bottom line is the more authentic we are on social media, the better we do. It's not the way social media works to be a billboard or brochure. We've got to just put ourselves out there." – Corey Perlman

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