How entrepreneurs can transform marketing strategies with AI – Jeff Pedowitz | The Pedowitz Group

Welcome to another ASBN-exclusive edition of The Roadmap, with host Ted Jenkin. Every week, Jenkin interviews the brightest and best CEOs and entrepreneurs from around the world who have scaled and exited their businesses. In this episode, Jeff Pedowitz, the CEO of The Pedowitz Group, shares his insights on how businesses can effectively implement AI for marketing strategies.

As of recently, the world has been transcended by the idea of implementing artificial intelligence into the workplace. However, the Pedowitz Group assists its clients in utilizing technology to increase revenue and customer engagement, and AI has been a profound contributor to the technology’s success.

Key Takeaways

1. Regarding how entrepreneurs can market AI, Pedowitz suggests, “AI is a generational force, much like the internet and the smartphone; this is a 20-year type of thing where AI will absolutely transform every part of the business, and even our personal lives as well.”

2. Marketing is already at the forefront of utilizing AI, as 70% of marketing organizations are experimenting with it. For entrepreneurs who want to invest $20 a month to try out the software’s premium version, ChatGPT is a great place to start. Pedowitz believes “Grammarly, on top of AI, will make you a world-class writer overnight.” 

3. Pedowitz suggests that entrepreneurs interested in the more advanced level of AI for marketing should consider using the platform, Jasper. He adds, “Jasper is specifically trained for marketing; its model is to write all types of blogs, ads, emails, and white papers, and it will serve you much better.”

4. Although having a website is essential, the content you put there must be different than the content you put on each social media platform. But it’s not so much about what content you put out there rather than who your target audience is, where they get their information, and how you put the right content on the right channel. 

5. AI is a great tool for creating outlines and structures to guide you through certain processes. However, it’s vital to remember that AI should be treated as a muse, meaning that it should be used and verified. Every new iteration of technology presents challenges, so any business should take the necessary steps to safeguard its information. 

"It's important to reach the right audience through appropriate channels, as there are various ways people consume information." – Jeff Pedowitz.

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