Archived ShowsSmall Business ProfileAtlanta Small Business Profile - Mark Fonseca, DressTheMan

Atlanta Small Business Profile – Mark Fonseca, DressTheMan

On this week’s episode of the Atlanta Small Business Profile, host and small business expert Ted Jenkin sits down with Mark Fonseca, CEO of DressTheMan is a haberdashery that provides wardrobe design, consultation, and maintenance services for its clientele including ESPN, Merrill Lynch, and Turner Broadcasting.

DressTheManSince the age of 15, Mark knew this was the business he eventually wanted to go into. In fact, he was inspired by the famous John T. Molloy book, “Dress For Success.” Through this reading, Mark understood how clothing could make an impact on how a person comes across to others in professional and personal settings. Mark was also fascinated by the concept that colors and patterns send non-verbal communication, and from then on, he was hooked.

Mark was also heavily influenced by his grandfather who hosted radio broadcasts in Detroit and owned the local record store. He was also a sharp dresser and Mark has fond memories of watching his grandfather choose outfits and accessories. His grandmother owned her own business as well; a Mexican restaurant that made authentic tamales. It’s clear that entrepreneurship runs deep in Mark’s family.

When it came to opening DressTheMan, Mark first worked for a similar company in the same industry to really experience what running a haberdashery would be like. He is a firm believer in planning and preparedness. Mark and Ted also discuss the changing trends in professional dress, common clothing faux pas executives make, and the effect clothing can have on the success of a deal.

To find out more about Mark and DressTheMan, be sure to watch the entire interview above.

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This has been a JBF Business Media production.

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