Small Business ShowsThe Small Business ShowThe Atlanta Small Business Show - FulFillment by Amazon, Great Social Media...

The Atlanta Small Business Show – FulFillment by Amazon, Great Social Media Presence, and Hiring Likable People

On today’s Atlanta Small Business Show:


FulFillment by Amazon

Fulfillment by AmazonAs a small business, trying to compete with others out there is hard enough, much less trying to compete with retail giants like Amazon. But what if your small business and Amazon actually joined forces? According to CNBC, Amazon says that more than half of the items it sells online actually come from small businesses. A big driver of this trend is Fulfillment by Amazon, the program that lets small businesses offer prime two-day shipping by pre-shipping their items to Amazon fulfillment centers and letting the company handle packaging, shipping and customer service. So, how does it work with small businesses?

Amazon charges fees for storage and shipping, depending on the size of the items. In 2016, some two billion items were sold this way across the globe. In 2017, small businesses sold more than 140 items from the Thursday of Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday alone.

As the owner of, CNBC says Steve Grubbs has been participating in the program for five years now selling his giant greeting cards. He says the fees can sometimes run him 30%, but the payoff is exposure and new customers, who increasingly limit their searches on Amazon to prime offerers. Today, about 70 percent of the $1.1 million Grubbs is on-track to do this year is fulfilled by Amazon.

Building a Great Social Media Presence

social media - small businessEffectively branding yourself and engaging with your audience on social media is vital to remaining relative and on the forefront of enhancing your presence longterm? To succeed at that, choosing the best techniques and tools (in customizing what suits your needs) is vitally important. In an article, you can find right here on the ASBN, titled: Building a Great Social Media Presence, there are six ways to promote your small business on LinkedIn, the social network for professionals. Linkedin is considered the top social media platform when it comes to professional content.

It was created to connect professionals with all types of businesses in order to build relationships with potential business partners, gain industry insights, discover sales leads, find a job, etc. In fact, Forbes says in a pew research center study, LinkedIn usage is especially high among the educated (bachelor’s degree holders and up) and high earners (those making $75,000 a year or more).

Click here to read the full article

Hiring and Training Managers Who Lead and Thrive

LeadershipHiring likable people. That’s certainly a goal for any business, done for several reasons…With the most important reason being…So that likable person you hire can attract customers to your business, but what exactly does that mean.

The way a person acts in an interview can be different from how they act once on the job, so we asked 14-time author and president of Learn to Lead (Dave Anderson) what to look out for.

Click here to check out the full interview with Dave


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