Archived ShowsHard TruthsHard Truths: Leading from the Middle

Hard Truths: Leading from the Middle

Depending on where you fall in the chain of command, you may or may not be the “top” manager. On this week’s episode of Hard Truths, Dave Anderson gives you some things you can do to start successfully leading from the middle and ultimately help your boss, your business, and yourself.

The hard truth is most people have no idea how to lead from the middle because they end up taking shots are their boss, undermining them, and not displaying any loyalty towards them. That is the opposite of being a successful manager and leader. If you want to become betting at leading from the middle, these are the strategies that Dave recommends:

  1. Do your own job with excellence. Be that employee that your boss count on.
  2. If you’re not sure what is expected of you, ask. There’s nothing wrong with asking. Ignorance is not an option.
  3. Be publically loyal to your boss. Don’t be that person who bad mouths the boss. It cheapens your presence and makes you look bad.
  4. Take initiative. Bring your boss solutions, not just problems. Bring new things to the table to the organization.
  5. Look for ways to lighten your boss’s load. Respectfully offer to take on responsibilities that suit your skillsets.

Think about how well you are doing these things now. If you’re nailing them, keep up the good work. Even if it’s not appreciated right now, it will be over time, so just keep at it. If you’re off-track in these areas, definitely take some time to right the ship.

The Atlanta Small Business Network is a part of the JBF Business Media family.



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