The prospect of marketing your business can be overwhelming at times, but it doesn’t have to be. Our guest today, Alex Membrillo lends his expertise and clears up the difference between digital marketing, social marketing, and pay per click advertising. Alex is the award-winning CEO of Cardinal Digital Marketing, an agency focused on helping companies grow and expand their business to new markets.
Digital marketing is anything that has to do with marketing online, and social can be a component of it. While Facebook marketing is great for brand awareness, Alex recommends that new business owners start with Google. Google AdWords and other paid advertisements generate great returns, and organic SEO goes hand in hand with this tactic. if you are unsure about paid adverts, waits 90 days to gather enough statistically relevant data to determine your return on investment. According to Alex, other digital marketing tips include having a great landing page and a blog that allows you to maintain healthy content with plenty of keywords.
His advice for anyone on the cusp of starting a business in Atlanta? Utilize email marketing, and make sure your website looks great and is user-friendly. There’s no point in driving a ton of traffic to a bad website, and when you do start to experience success, don’t get complacent.
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