Market Your BusinessMarketing10 Content Marketing Statistics You Need to Know (and How to Use...

10 Content Marketing Statistics You Need to Know (and How to Use Them)

By now, most marketers are aware that content marketing is a viable digital marketing method for businesses of all sizes when used properly. Many people, however, wonder where the proof is that content marketing is such an effective tool in the modern market. The following 10 content marketing statistics offer proof of how viable this inbound marketing strategy is, and offers insight into what potential customers are currently looking for.

  1. Seventy-seven percent of the American population goes online a minimum of once per day. Having a large portion of your target audience online means a lot of potential customers are ready to consume the content your company puts out.


  1. content marketingThree billion people have at least one social media account. Social media is a great way to push content marketing efforts. The key to properly leveraging social media is to know which platforms your primary audience is using. 


  1. Ninety-one percent of all business-to-business operations use content marketing as a large part of their online strategy. Business-to-business (B2B) companies place a high focus on content marketing because it helps to educate their clientele, who are already (usually) aware of their wants, needs, likes, dislikes, problems, and possible solutions.  


  1. Eighty-six percent of all business-to-consumer operations use content marketing to help reach their target audiences. Business-to-consumer (B2C) companies differ slightly from B2B companies in their marketing goals. While B2C companies still want to educate their audience, there is a higher emphasis placed on engagement. 


  1. Sixty-five percent of all content marketers find it difficult to produce content that engages with their audience, and 64% of all content marketers want to become better at the technique immediately. The issue of unengaging content or content burnout can be eased by properly defining a target audience and keyword list. The creation of a buyer persona is also helpful. 


  1. Seventy-two percent of companies self-reported an increase in engagement after implementing content marketing strategies. Companies who want their customers to interact more with their business should focus on content marketing. Engagement is one area where content marketing dominates other potential marketing techniques.


  1. Ninety-five percent of all consumers admit they only look at the first page of search results when trying to find information on major search engines. With the first page of results on Google, Yahoo, or Bing getting nearly all the views it becomes vital that marketers optimize the content produced. This is done through SEO, which is sometimes considered separate from content marketing. The two techniques go hand-in-hand, however, and should always be implemented together.


  1. Eighty-four percent of companies who incorporate infographics into their content marketing campaign find them to be effective. Statistics also show that infographics have a high share rate on social media, and a high engagement rate.


content marketing

  1. Marketers who use video receive 66% more leads per year. Recent statistics reveal even more insight into just how effective videos are. More than half of all millennials are willing to drop whatever they’re doing to watch a video created by their favorite YouTube channel, and experts estimate more than 80% of all web traffic will eventually be video. 


  1. Ninety-three percent of marketers have found success in interactive content marketing. This primarily includes items like quizzes or polls but can also include applications or surveys, among others. Your target audience likes to be entertained and interactive content marketing efforts helps fulfill that like.


The statistics listed above can help marketers create awareness on just how effective content marketing can be. The additional information listed with the supplied statistics gives insight into how these statistics can be implemented. Content marketing efforts often take some time before gaining momentum, but companies should not be discouraged when immediate results are not garnered. 

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