Advice From the ProsThe Importance of Interviewing Your Existing Customers - Rand Fishkin, Author of...

The Importance of Interviewing Your Existing Customers – Rand Fishkin, Author of “Lost and Founder”

On this segment of Advice From the Pros, Rand Fishkin, SEO expert, Founder of Moz, and Author of “Lost and Founder” discusses what your business can learn from its existing customers.


Interview your customers, your existing customers. Talk to as many of them as you possibly can about why they use your product or service. What they love about it, what they don’t, who they are, what they are. Oftentimes, what you will find is either your customers are not who you thought they were, and so your marketing targeting is off. You’re trying to reach a group who is not actually right customers for you. Or, you don’t understand quite the value proposition. Why are people using us and why aren’t they?

One of my favorite things ever, there’s a company called Conversion Rate Experts that we worked with years ago at Moz. They’re out of the UK. They have this fundamental phrase that they describe when they talk to customers. They say we want to understand why some qualified customers become paying customers. Right? Why people become paying customers and why some of them don’t? Right? The same types of people, why did they say no?

We find the objections that people have to becoming customers, and then we attempt to overcome those through our marketing, our communications, our product, our landing pages, all the things that we do to talk to customers, and all the ways that we serve them. If you can identify those objections and overcome them in ways that resonate, you can oftentimes get that growth rate back up.

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